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2003-08-02 New photos in the On-line Catalogue
We have just added 110 new photos in which you can see: Capercaillie, Lynx, Bear, Tree Frog, European Pond Tortoise, landscapes from Poland and some new Polish cities.
2003-05-17 Slideshow "Feather on the Water" again
We are going to present the slideshow "Feather on the Water" in: 1. Łódź, in Art Gallery (Miejska Galeria Sztuki): Galeria Willa, Wólczańska St. 31, on Thursday, May 22, 18.00 h 2. Kraków, in Palace of Art (Pałac Sztuki), Plac Szczepański (Szczepan Square) 4, on Friday, June 6, 17.00 h. Before the slideshow a meeting with an organiser of the BG Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition - Mrs. Venetia Khan from the Natural History Museum from London will take place. Come nad see!
2003-02-27 Our slideshow in Torun and Bydgoszcz
Our slideshow "Feather on the Water" is presented in: Torun: 10.III, 12.30 h; Zoobotanical Garden, Bydgoska St. 7 Bydgoszcz: 11.III, 18.00 h; Regional Museum, Gdańska St. 4
2002-11-16 Prints for sale
Our prints are for sale in sizes between 20x30 cm and 33x47 cm. Details at Terms page.