image 200x300 | image 300x450

Photo no.: 02158002 
Category: landscapes 
Subcategory: Poland, Kampinos Forest 
Caption: forest, tree, snow, winter, white, Mazovia Lowland 
Keywords: landscapes, poland, kampinos forest, landscape, forest, tree, snow, winter, white, mazovia lowland, leszno, kampinos forest, kampinos national park, poland, scots pine, pinus sylvestris 
Species - english name: Scots Pine 
Species - latin name: Pinus sylvestris 
Location: Leszno, Kampinos Forest, Kampinos National Park, Poland 
Date: 2002-11-30 
File type and resolution: TIFF, JPG, 300 dpi, 30x45cm 
Added to the catalogue: 2008-01-28 
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