2008-04-17 New photos in the on-line catalogue
We added 455 new images
Poland: Beskid Zywiecki Mts. (Mt Pilsko), Bieszczady Mts., Gorce Mts., Bialowieza Forest
Poland: Sanok, Zakopane, Posada Rybotycka (orthodox church), Bartkow (Bartek Oak)
white-tailed eagle, raven, buzzard, magpie, siskin, great spotted woodpecker;
European Bison, weasel, wolf
Quick link to all new
2008-03-10 New photos in the portfolio
Please have a look at the new set of images in the portfolio
2008-01-28 New photos in the On-line catalogue
We have added 1360 images:
Bagna Biebrzańskie; Bieszczady, cerkwie; Góry Świętokrzyskie, Puszcza Jodłowa, gołoborza; Małe Pieniny; Pieniny, Spływ
Dunajcem; Wąwóz Homole; Wigry; Mazury, Wilczy Szaniec, spływ Krutynią; Suwlaszczyzna; Tatry
Bodzentyn; Dębno; Gdynia, Orłowo; Kalwaria Pacławska; Kluki, skansen; Krasiczyn; Łańcut; Niedzica; Nowy Sącz; Olsztyn; ; Przemyśl; Sanok, skansen; Sopot; Szczawnica; Szczytno; Szydłowiec; Święta Katarzyna
fire-bellied toad; common toad; grass frog; edible frog
ruff; white stork; grey heron; goldeneye; whooper swan; cormorant; mallard; nutcracker; pygmy owl; wren; crane
badger; wild boar; konik; weasel; elk; dormouse; wolf
earth worm; apollo butterfly
2007-06-06 Our new books
Pascal has just published our 2 new books:
Plant field guide - our text and photos
Animal field guide - we are the authors of the part of the text and a selection of photos
2008-03-14 New images in the on-line catalogue
We have added 1058 images:
Poland: Kaczawa Mts., Leszczynskie Lakeland, Masuria, Wielkopolska, Ujscie Warty National Park
France: Camargue, Cevennes National Park, Prowance, Languedoc, Pont du Grad
Poland: Glogow, Leszno, Rydzyna, Slawa, Wroclaw, Zlotoryja
France: Avignon
eagle owl, ural owl, honey buzzard, geese on migration, crane
brown bear; pine marten; Wild cat; wild boar; weasel; elk; coypu
Quick link to all new images
2008-02-23 Our new books
Two new books with our text and photos have just been published:
"100 most beautiful plants in Poland (in Polish)" - a part of the text and some images from our other book Plants of Poland have been used here
"Mysteries of Polish Nature (in Polish)" - our text and photos, including cover

2007-12-09 Kosinscy Team updated!
Long awaited new photos from Kosinscy Team gallery! They are already there! Have a look!
2007-04-25 New photos in Portfolio
A lot of new images from last winter and spring 2007. New gallery: Western Pomerania.